Gripability e3 Anwender mit Wimperntusche Gripability e3 Anwender mit Lidschatten Gripability e3 Anwender beim Anstoßen Gripability e3 Anwender mit Bierkrug Gripability e3 Anwender im Büro Gripability e3 Anwenderin mit Gabel

Gripability supports the charitable foundation »Brave Art«

2009-05-10 15:28 (comments: 0)

Karlsruhe -- at the REHAB exhibition from 7th to 9th of May in Karlsruhe »Brave Art« presents itself to a larger public for the first time. Gripability the young creative German company supports the event with its innovative technical medical aids, automatic gripping systems and accessible easels. At the Brave Art stand visitors can experience a great variety of creative activities -- for example through the participation in workshops with street art artist Stefanie Peichal and photographer Luigi Toscano. The spinal-cord injured (tetraplegic) mouth painter Markus Kostka gives insights into his work, the pop art painter Maren Valenti demonstrates her techniques. Furthermore there are sculpturers, musicians and graphic artists ready to motivate young people with disabilities to »Brave Art«.

Gripability unterstützt das Brave-Art

With its »accessible« easel and automatic gripping systems Gripability makes sure that people with disabilities can perform creative activities that previously were out of their reach.

Gripability unterstützt das Brave-Art

Within only a few minutes visitors, maybe with a limited gripping and grasping ability like tetraplegics, are equipped with the gripping aid »Gripability e3« and can then become creative with pencil, brush or other tools. There are of course many occupational and physical therapists who as well want to know how this works. They can make their own experiences and have a go at a large canvas.

The canvas is located on the easel, which can be automatically adjusted in height using a remote control. Wheelchair accessibility is therefore possible as well.

Gripability unterstützt das Brave-Art"Hey! Such a cool technical aid is not only useful for people with disabilities...", calls out street art artist Stefanie Peichal joyfully while she is, with fast and experienced strokes of the brush, giving the canvas her handwriting, "...this is just masterly."

So emerges at the Gripability stand out of the participation of many an enthusiastic visitor a fascinating team artwork sized 1,2m x 1,6m. At an auction held during rehability's and Otto Bock's exhibition party this painting obtains a price of €2000 for the benefit of the Brave Art project.

Gripability unterstützt das Brave-ArtGripability unterstützt das Brave-ArtGripability unterstützt das Brave-ArtGripability unterstützt das Brave-ArtGripability unterstützt das Brave-ArtGripability unterstützt das Brave-ArtGripability unterstützt das Brave-ArtGripability unterstützt das Brave-ArtMarkus Kostka, the mouth painter, rapidly sketches a cat onto the paper which he has brought into position using the Gripability Xhand.

You will find the »Brave Art« project website here.

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